Thursday, July 8, 2010

Waiting,Patience, etc.

Last Monday, I had my second interview at Bashor Children's Home. After telling me that he was glad I applied, the fellow interviewing me submitted the approval of my hire, and told me that once HR signs off on it, I'll have to do a couple background check things, and then I'll be ready for training. I called later in the week and was basically told to just wait until they call me. I consider myself a pretty patient person, but it's easy to get frustrated in situations like this. As much as I enjoy not going to work and listening to my records or riding my bike or whatever else all day, its really only fun for about three weeks, then I'd much rather have a job. And now...well, I basically have one, kinda? I just have to wait for it.
Always waiting.

I made a new mixtape today.
For your listening pleasure,

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