Tuesday, October 13, 2009


This past week spoiled me way too much.
I didn't really think about coming back to Chicago until last night, and I was just as content as anyone to just stay there. But, I still have things to do in Chicago until I move back, and I need to focus on living here for now. It will be a good two months.
Yesterday was Michelle and my fivemonthiversary. I couldn't ask for a better woman to have shared the past five months with. A few of those months have been filled with the hardest lessons I've ever learned--especially the lesson of becoming a grown up. She's been so patient with me through all of my incredulity and impatience and immaturity and fiscal irresponsibility and insecurity and feelings of inadequacy and...
She's going to be on the news tonight. I wish I could see it.

But, at least I have a project to keep me busy until November. I've got to finish that album. I only have two songs to go, and a drum track on another. Then I'll be adding little flourishes and mixing it to perfection. Definitely shouldn't take me more than two weeks, as long as I kick my rear in gear.

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