Thursday, March 4, 2010

Goodness, Faithfulness, Holiness, etc.

Today and yesterday, I substituted in two different preschool classes. Children are so incredible. I think my favorite thing about them is how they are completely free from prejudice. In each class, there were several students with mild to severe disabilities, but the other kids didn't look down on them. They were their friend, and that was that. One of my favorites was a little girl with a birth defect that made her arms very shot. When we went outside, she and one of the other teachers jumped rope, and she could jump about ten times before the rope hit her legs. And she was the happiest child I've ever seen. Then today when we went outside, I was chased for about ten minutes by at least eleven four year olds.

Michelle's dad's last day at his job is tomorrow. He's been preparing for them to lay him off, but it still is hard when it finally comes. It's alright, though. He hated that job, and he rarely sits still. If the past few weeks of my life is any testament, the Lord will provide generously.

The other night, I was reading Romans and I came to the verse were the Lord says, 'I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy,' and for the first time didn't read that as, 'I'm the Lord, and I get to send whoever I want to Hell, no matter how good of a person they are' and instead read it as, 'I will forgive whoever I want to forgive, whether you think they're good enough or not.' I think that's more in line with His character. He forgives a lot of people we hate.

My parents are getting a divorce, and it's not going as well as maybe we've hoped. My mom's been staying somewhere else until things are finalized. I haven't seen her in two weeks. But hopefully in a week, I'll be living elsewhere. My apartment application is being processed and the super said she'd try to get me something by Monday. Incredible.

I had coffee with the youth pastor of the Vineyard today, which about half functioned as an interview for some level of involvement. At one point he asked me, 'Why do you love God?' My answer was something like:
Shoot, because I can't help it. He's too good. I'd love to just ignore it and be a selfish bastard, but He's just too good. In the past, I've tried to respond to that with as little as I could get away with, but He's just too good for me to just sit there and be a complete ass. I have to do something about it.

He really is just too good to just sit there and not see it, no matter what's going on.

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