On a major sidenote, if anyone is interested, I'll once more restate that I have a new music review blog, www.turnoffthatnoise.blogspot.com. I've been covering all sorts of music, both old and new, but since my rate of keeping up with music with any regularity is pretty slow these days, some of the reviews may seem completely irrelevant. But hey. Whatevz.
The wedding is in eleven and a half days. Wow. It's crazy that, after such a long time of waiting for marriage (since fifteen, even if it was just for sex then**), it's finally going to be here. Yesterday, I gave Michelle the letters that I had written for my wife over the past four years (with no sort of regularity at all). It was funny, because the very first letter mentioned that I was 'currently very attracted to my friend Michelle...but I don't think that would happen. But if that is you, that'd be really funny.' And guess what? It was funny. It was strange to look over those letters again. As much as I've changed since I started writing those letters, the core of Nathaniel was the same then as it is now. I'm just taller now. A tiny, tiny bit taller, but taller nonetheless.
Eleven and a half days. Shoot.
*My dad just told me about a friend he has that makes this joke. But, the proper French meaning and spelling was so ingrained in my mind that I completely missed the say/c'est pun.
**don't get me wrong: I'm still looking forward to that too, just not only that.