Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Broke

I love being a substitute teacher. Seriously, the best job in the whole world. Maybe. Maybe third or fourth best. The kids are great, and if they aren't great, they're at least funny.
However. This week, kids around the nation are celebrating spring break. One of the students I work with a lot is going to Arizona. He's very excited.
And me? I'm staying right here in Mishawaka, not working and not getting paid.

It's not that bad. It's good to be in a position where I can miss being paid for a week and not starve or get evicted or get my power shut off. And it's going to give me some time to get some things done around the apartment, like painting the entertainment center or getting internet set up or bike downtown or just play guitar with my old amp that I just bought back from the friend I sold it to and some new pedals.

And, the wedding is in four weeks minus two days. Hot dang.

God is good.

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