Thursday, October 23, 2008

Insane in the Membrane

Yesterday was an absolutely hectic day. I haven't had a day where I just worked in frenzies on things for a solid chunk of time in a very long time, and that's exactly how yesterday was from nine in the morning to five in the afternoon, where I took an hour nap, and then woke up to once more frantically (but with a little more calmness) work on my giant word study in Hebrew. I finally got it done, and I'm feeling well about it, and things seem to almost be able to slow down a bit now. Lyndsey (who now has a booooooyfriend) and I are taking a trip to Iowa/South Dakota(maybe?) this weekend for our grandmother's memorial service. I hope I get a chance to relax on that trip. I'm so exhausted these days.

Tuesday night, I sat down and processed my internship and everything that happened during it for the first time since leaving, and I wept. It's not that I was grieved for any of it. That's just the way I process things. So much of my life began there, and I became someone I could actually see being used by God in a concrete manner...which is something that's always a little more abstract to me. There's a level of discipline and maturity I achieved there that seems to be missing from me now. I'm not too fond of that, but it gave me more reason to fight to have them again.

My grandfather spoke in chapel yesterday on the dangers of apathy and the waning of enthusiasm. It was something I greatly needed to hear.

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