Saturday, May 23, 2009

I've been living with my feet in two places lately. One foot placed in Chicago since December (and now more firmly set) was carrying most of my wait through this last semester, until everything with Michelle came around and taught me to accept life in the present moment. But now that school is over, I really don't feel like there's too much for me here--honestly (as silly as it might sound to say) just Michelle, who is really the only thing keeping me from looking too far forward.

We're going to Chicago this weekend to hang out with Kriss & Mellie (and...go to a comic book convention. My flatmate is a nerd). I think it will be good for me to see how Michelle and my life in Chicago might mix.
That, and it will just be tonsa fun, as all three of those people are, in themselves, a ton of fun.

Lord, thank you for everything that you have brought about. I'm sorry for ever doubting the goodness you had for me. I am sorry I still doubt it.

1 comment:

Mellie said...

It looks as though you and your gal get along with Chicago quite well :)