Sunday, August 30, 2009

Multitrack Sneakattack, Vol 1

Alright, y'all. Who likes music? You do? That's right you do. I do too.
That's why now, I'm going to start making mixtapes for you. It's simple, really. All you have to do is follow the link, download the file, unzip it, and then open the text document to put them in the proper order.

Thirteen tracks of musical goodness from Nathaniel's mp3 buffet.
The file is kind of big--I need to figure out how to compress files more--but it should be worth the wait.

Multitrack Sneakattack, Vol. 1: How Nathaniel Defeated the Zombies


1 comment:

Nathaniel FitzGerald said...

What four? And what program are you using to listen to them? Some of them might only work on iTunes.