Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Ice Storm

The semester is finished.  I'm 22 now.  I've realized how undisciplined I've become this semester and how much I've overlooked certain friends of mine that I have needed to not overlook.  22, 2009, and the spring semester are all good times to start over.

I found a place to stay in Chicago.  With two good friends.  Awesome.

God and I have been having this strange sort of contest.  I keep disobeying and He keeps forgiving me.  I said, "Jesus, how long are we going to go keep doing this?"  And He said, "Are you sure you really want to find out?  Let's go.  You'll keep on sinning, and I'll just keep extending grace to you, and I am so much more stubborn than you are."

1 comment:

Whitney said...

IT's amazing how forgiving the Lord truly is...he will never turn us away, evne though we choose to sin over and over again.