Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter break came an hour and a half early today. I skipped Biblical Theology.

I have so much due in that class, I can hardly stand thinking about it. The next few days, I HAVE to get caught up. I can't be as far behind on assignments as I am right now. Not in two weeks, anyway.

My friend Ben took his life yesterday. I didn't know him too well--just well enough to be really weirded out. When I first went into the dining commons by myself and knew no one, I sat with him. Then he was in my zoology class, and on the way back from the Shedd, we played this name where you list band names, but each band name has to start with the last letter of the previous band name. We started on Lake Shore Drive and finally finished when we got off of the toll road two hours later. The other three people in the car got out and the two of us went back and forth on our own for at least half an hour before I made up a band name that wasn't challenged.
I really wish I would have gotten to know him better.

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