Thursday, April 23, 2009

Queen, feat. David Bowie

The end of my college career will be upon me in four days. With it, it brings four papers, one final, and one outline. I wanted to get all of these things done by tomorrow night, but I'm not sure how reasonable that is. The real issue is wanting to go to the Rescue in Chicago on Saturday, but I wasn't sure how long I would be there, and I wanted to go without needing to worry about lingering school work. Now, I'm second guessing going at all. I just really need to graduate. But, as the saying goes, "C'est la vie, Cs get degrees." By that standard, the only one I'm worried about is Apologetics. I have no idea what my final paper is going to look like yet.

I am just holding on to the thought of next week, when I will be free of school forever (unless I decide later in life to go to grad school, which is not really a thought right now). Next week will be filled with adventures and hanging out and trying to fit in those last moments with people that I wish I had more time with (three specifics: Matt Metzger, Anthony Parrott, Amy Malmkar).

I hate all-nighters, but I'll probably pull one tonight.
I still have most of this bag of coffee, after all...

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