Monday, September 21, 2009

Life and Its Happenings

I said to Michelle the other day that whenever I'm anticipating something, I always forget to keep in mind that life happens--that is to say, for example, if I'm expecting to have a nice evening with Michelle and Lyndsey and my mom for her birthday, something like the wedding reception from Hell will come and keep me from getting back until midnight (at which time I was greeted by a candlelit dinner in Michelle's garage, further cementing her position as best girlfriend ever).

This weekend, I got sick, leading me to spend much less time at Bethel as I would have liked, and much more time wrapped in a blanket eating soup (homemade soup, at that). Ah, well. Michelle took care of me, and even though I had to call in to work today, I should be feeling better by tomorrow. The sickness has been progressing, so I know that my body is doing what it's supposed to.

Right now, there isn't really too much I can think to say, except that:
I wish Bekah and I could have seen eachother again under happier circumstances
I'm praying for the Cunninghams & friends

Michelle is a very good person to have taking care of you if you're sick

I missed last week's mixtape.

So here it is.
Multitrack Sneak Attack, Vol. 3: How to Win Friends and Influence People

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