Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Attack of Weddingzilla!!!!

Today, two of my best friends in the entire world (Nick&SoniWayne) had their ceremonial wedding to match the legal document they signed in April. After the wedding was a danceless reception, which was followed by an illegal dance party on Bethel's campus. After that, we migrated to Hannahbeth's house for the afterparty, complete with brinner. After the after party was the bonfire, which just ended half an hour ago.

The past few days have been busy, stressful, frustrating, stretching, and incredible. After calling Soni 'Bridezilla' a few times, we then commenced to add 'zilla' to every position. Such as brotherofthebride-zilla, Honorarybestmanzilla, Escortzilla, and Musicianzillas--that'd be me and my Escortzilla, the lovely violin bearing Chelsea Henion, who was excellent at being both an escort and a violinist. She was also excellent at giving me a hard time, which was reciprocated to a great degree.

Also, Cha Cha has been consulted for a number of different things, such as discovering what the Mertyl capital of the world is. It's awesome.

I'm very tired. Almost too tired to write a blog post.

I will just say that I'm relieved that the wedding has happened and no longer has anything to worry about.

Also, I love my life.

1 comment:

starbird said...

Why would you worry about the wedding in the first place?