Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Gypsy King, from within his Living room

Last night, I took my first walk to the river since being here. It was my first wandering since I've been here, and that's really kind of surprising. Actually, it's incredibly surprising. The gypsy king has settled down in his two story, eight person house with record player, CD changer, tape deck, three foot tall speakers, color television, VCR, DVD player, a myriad of video game consoles, and music, movies, and games to spare.

I've been thinking about a forty day fast. For a few years, actually. I keep finding reasons to put it off, and thinking of reasons not to. Since the summer, my addiction to food has been getting worse. I'm not eating as constantly throughout the day, but I'm eating much larger portions--more than I should ever need. And it's driving me nuts. I'm not making time to work out, either. Instead, I settle onto the couch with friends and watch movies.

And I'm becoming incredibly unsettled.

I need to start doing something about all of these things soon, lest all of these things gnaw at me until the point where I do something radical in a violent reaction to all of this. I have a tendency to do that--the let things like this go on and wear at me until the action I should have taken against them swells up inside me until I burst and do something drastic. And not always is it something that actually has something to do with the problem. In the past, I've cut my hair off, thrown out CDs, done fifty push ups all at once (and then no more until the next explosion), thrown something into the river, etc. This time, I want my drastic, violent reaction to be to finally do something concrete and productive against these things.

Folks keep saying I'm running fool's errands. Truth is, I've always been a fool.

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