Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Great Magician

It's often stated that the Lord still does miracles. In turn, these miracles are often overlooked. Sometimes, though...it seems even like He's doing magic tricks, only there's nothing tricky about them. They're just magic.

I was worried about finances...I was angry with Him. I had forty dollars, a quarter tank of gas, three weeks, and at least six hours of driving before I could get home, where I would get a job. Today, I mowed my host's lawn. She offered IMAX tickets to the Dark Knight. I asked for cash instead (yes, I do have some concept of responsibility...) She asked how much, I said whatever she wanted. 'Whatever she wanted' ended up being fifty dollars. As I was still rejoicing in this, she comes home from visiting her parents...who had given her a fifty dollar bill to deliver to me.

And then there's the matter of making a yellow bird disappear...
Ever since Sunday, I've had an incredible peace about this whole 'getting over it' situation. It's actually...working. Surprisingly. Every time a thought pops up, I struggle to push it down, and I succeed--mostly. Just as I thought it would take forever, He says the magic words and it disappears into the palm of His hand. But sometimes, I look and think, 'but when is it going to come back...'

It would just get in the way now. It was never even intended for 'now.' Even at the height of the pursuit, it was intended for 'later.' Even during the Eighth of a Second that Shook the World, I looked at her and felt what might someday come to pass. There's nothing conclusive or psychic about that. It's just another possibility. And a possibility with many qualifiers at that.

I went to Brown City Camp again today. With no one there, that place is like some blessed ghost town. Although, when the memories of Earth Shakings that are still physically present there are memories you're trying to ignore, it seems a little less benign. But I didn't run from it. I stood at that place and looked down at it. And it all became clear.
'Might someday...'

I can't hold on to the ghost of a future life. I've tried. It whisps around my hands as they pass through it's glowing blue frame.

Holding on to a Holy Ghost, though...that's different.

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