Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Living in the Past with an Eye on the Future

I'm eternally grateful that I am easily contented, and that things like fedoras and vests and ties can keep me happy for indefinite periods of time. I think it's my own way of returning to the 'good old days' when class and politeness were required of every decent person. And, everyone knows I love old movies, and this fedora makes me feel like I'm inside of one.

The Gospel is constantly being revealed to me in new, more meaningful ways. Even when I understood it for the first time, I didn't understand that it was the only important thing. Everything else in the Church and in life (worship style, preaching, marriage, family, art, poetry) is important because of the Gospel of Jesus.

Redeemer has been praying for five people to come to Christ this year. I'm praying for fifty, whether throughout the year or just while I'm here. A deficiency of hope makes me think throughout the year might even be pushing it, but I'm learning that there's always every kind of hope in Christ.

Brown City is a month and a week away. I can't wait to see how God is going to top my tenure here. And then how He's going to top that, and how He's going to top that, and that, and that...

1 comment:

starbird said...

i am also excited for the colourful time at brown citi.
and i miss you + me + late night coffeeeeee

mer mer mer.