Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Walking Wounded

There is a war in our culture.

I don't mean a physical war with guns and grenades, nor do I necessarily mean a spiritual war. I mean a war of sex.
Half-nude images are fired from shop windows. Provocative words are dropped from radio stations, throwing shrapnel in all directions. The television is filled with pro-sex propaganda, and the internet taps into every form of communication we have and brings the enemy to us.
On every side, there are casualties. We know their faces. They are brothers, fathers, husbands, neighbors, teachers, architects, doctors, librarians, lawyers, pastors. Churches have been rocked by scandal. Marriages have been torn apart. Children have been alienated. Some children have been denied their first breath. Men of every age, race, and class have been absolutely saturated by the lust. And if the attack on men weren't enough, our sisters and daughters are naively indoctrinated into the ranks of the enemy, learning provocativeness and seduction. Often, even those that would fight the indoctrination don't realize how deeply it goes, and still unknowingly give a foothold. If only their fighting men would help them understand that depth, they might be able to hold fast--but the culture has taught us such things are 'taboo.'

Friends, I am among the walking wounded. I have not been completely overtaken by this enemy, but I have been struck hard and weakened. I often fear that I may be brought down and added to the piles of bodies lining our sidewalks and broken pews. My mind is covered with a layer of filth so deep that I (literally) jerk to the side when I close my eyes.

I do not want this (that goes without saying, but I say it anyway). I was once a warrior on the side of purity; wounded or otherwise, I still fought bravely instead of letting the attack roll over me. I want to fight with that same bravery. At times, I am completely hopeless that I can ever fight with the fervor I desire. But, I know at least one person that fights the way I want to, so it has to be possible.
I want a reputation of purity, but it's so far from me.

I need a Medic, Lord.

Proclaim this among the nations:
Prepare for war!
Rouse the warriors!
Let all the fighting men draw near and attack.

Beat your plowshares into swords
and your pruning hooks into spears.
Let the weakling say,
"I am strong!"

Come quickly, all you nations from every side,
and assemble there.
Bring down your warriors, O LORD!

Joel 3:9-11

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FYI, here is a blog you may want to check out: He is a warrior in this fight, and some of his posts from the past month touch on some of the same things you've been blogging about.